Now available in the Google Play store.
Jump Skunk is a one-minute runner with new stages every day! Challenge friends and compete for the world record!
Jump and glide to avoid the spikes and get to the picnic. One-minute stages and instant load times mean you always have time for one more try!
Each stage has 3 difficulty settings:

There are 3 graphics modes:

The game is normally played in landscape,but with the tap of a button, you can switch to portrait mode if you want to play a quick game on-the-go:

Challenge Mode:
At the end of an attempt, you can send a challenge to your friends:
You can challenge them to beat your best score in the same number of tries it took you, or you can challenge them to beat the score of your first attempt in one try:

Your friend will recieve a notification. When they click it they will see the required distance and the number of tries they have:

After your friend beats the challenge or used up all their tries:

the results will be sent back to you:

Play-3 Mode:

When Play-3 is selected from the VS menu, you will play 3 brand-new stages back to back. At the end your 3 scores will be added up:

your friend will recieve a challenge to beat your total score on those same 3 stages:

After the attempt is made, the scores will be tallied:

You will receive notification of your friends success or failure: